
29 Pins
Deco Inspiration: Patios & Terraces
I'd love to have a small area of bench seating at the edge of the balcony next to a low-ish table. The other end of the balcony would have low Turkish style seating. And lots and lots of plants in the remaining 'edge' space.
Wandfarben fürs Wohnzimmer – 100 trendy Wohnideen für Ihre Wandgestaltung
nice Wandfarben fürs Wohnzimmer – 100 trendy Wohnideen für Ihre Wandgestaltung
Interior Design Pinspiration: The Glamorous Life
This classic white-and-black color combo makes for a foolproof palette.
Versatile Vittsjo (More IKEA Hack Ideas!) | Centsational Style
Glam coffee table (or shelving, side table) - IKEA Vittsjo with a little chrome spray paint (or shiny gold) & replace tempered glass top with wood or mirror!
Flurmöbel selber bauen | selbst.de
Schuhschrank bauen --- wie cool! und noch dazu ein IKEA hack! =)
37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive
Floating kitchen cabinets are low-profile enough to be used as a hallway or dining room console. | 37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive
Maceteros a partir de dos palets
Instead of placing candles on the edges, I think I'd make little hanging glass candle holders.
37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive
Turn a sideways Expedit (now the Kallax, $59.99) into a mid-century console. | 37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive
13 DIY Outdoor Bench Ideas You Can Make This Weekend!
OOOH! I wannnnnt!~!!!!~!~!~!!!!!~!
Gartentisch Emilia selber bauen | OBI
Platzsparend, multifunktional und dekorativ: Diese Gartenmöbel sind ein echtes Multitalent. Und das Beste: man kann sie ganz einfach selber bauen! ;) #OBI #DIY #Anleitung