
894 Pins
ionna vautrin's clover pilot light hangs at frankfurt's ambiente 2015
french designer ionna vautrin's 'clover' pilot light, exhibits for lexon design at the 2015 ambiente trade show in frankfurt
Flat-Pack Furniture: 3 Modern Designs from Noon Studio - WebUrbanist
Flat-Pack Furniture: 3 Modern Designs from Noon Studio
Upholstered Seating with Pinched Cushions - Design Milk
The Pinch Seating System by Skrivo Design
OBJECT FUTURE II: Emerging Australian Design
Möbius chair by Adam Raphael Markowitz
Quadra is a minimalist design created by Italy-based designer Luis Arrivillaga. The loop stand frame inspired by the geometrical shape that permits an invisible view of a natural static structure. It is designed to conseive a universal table that gives the pos sibility of infinite lenght. Powdercoated steel in different op tion of colors, can be indoor or outdoor. (1)
Couchtisch Massivholz – Modelle von Wohnzimmertischen aus Holz
bank oder couchtisch aus massivholz