Ein Hauch von Vergangenheit [ROMAN]

Inspirationen für meinen neuen Roman "Ein Hauch von Vergangenheit"
79 Pins
Sommerzeit ist auch Sternschnuppenzeit. Ein Naturereignis, welches sich keiner entgehen lassen sollte! Wir kuscheln uns gemütlich unter den Sternenhimmel und hoffen, dass vielleicht der ein oder andere Wunsch in Erfüllung geht.
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(Open RP. Someone be him?) I woke up with a extremely painful feeling in my leg. I touch my hand to it, it's a bit out of place and a there are a couple bullet holes.I sit up, instantly becoming dizzy from blood loss.. I look around. Where was I? What was going on? Someone stepped out of the shadows, "dear god" he says, shouldering his rifle
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My journey was interrupted. But only for a quarter of a century. It turns out, however, that the detour I took was a blessing in disguise. I thank my lucky stars that our paths crossed when they...
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Reminds me of riding my bike at my Grandmoms in her yard and fields.
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