Hochzeit für Gentlemen

Für alle Männer, die ihrer Liebsten das Ja-Wort geben, die Ideen für den Junggesellenabschied oder noch die letzte Inspiration für den Feinschliff am Hochzeits-Outfit suchen.
29 Pins
From boy to man, in a few easy steps....
As I look through this all I can hear is the Music from Dr. Horrible at the end where he is "Suit"ing up in RED.
Dead End
Mens suit breakdown <---This was made to show how to draw them, but it gives really good details if you're looking to buy a suit or tux. :)
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Style System April 2013 – Registration Closed
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Style Tips: Are you thinking of buying a Suit? Wait! Read this before heading out shopping. 10 unspoken suit rules every man should know. ===> Follow us on Pinterest for Style Tips, Men's Essentials, updates on our SALES etc... ~ VujuWear
There are practical reasons for vests beyond just how they look.
How-to-wear? Eigentlich ganz simpel! :)
Stop buying "small, medium, and large" dress shirts.
Aussehen wie ein MANN leichtgemacht. Nicht schlecht!
Noobelblog - Men's Fashion Styles
Schuh-Anzug-Kombi gefällig? Hier, da habt ihr! ;)
Rock My Wedding | The Best UK Wedding Planning Resource
Auf jeden Fall gelungene Hochzeitsoutfits!