utopia.org | sustainable living ideas

We share tips on sustainable living & a responsible lifestyle. Eco-friendly living hacks, minimalism, zero waste, healthy recipes & more.
282 Pins
Is Ecosia Legit? The Truth About the Ecosia Search Engine
Ecosia, the search engine that claims to plant trees with every search, is quickly becoming a household name. Is it too good to be true, or will it change the world? #sustainability #climate #technology #sustainable #environment
Morning Affirmations: 10 Positive Ways To Start Your Day
Morning affirmations aren’t just an uplifting way to start your day. They can reduce stress, make you more productive, and even help you live longer. We look into the science behind positive self-affirmation here. .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #goodmorning #morningaffirmations #thinkpositive #reducestress #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #livegreen #learngreen #SustainableCollective #ecofriendly_planet #greenmatters #BeAGreenBoss #utopiaorg⁠
How and How Often Should You Really Wash Your Jeans?
Many of us wear jeans every day, so it’s easy to fall into the habit of washing them too often. We’ll explain how to care for them properly and when you should wash your jeans . #washjeans #householdhacks #householdmanagement #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicalfashion #ecofashion #ethicallymade #ecofriendly #fairtrade #ethicalstyle #sustainablestyle #organiccotton #greenfashion #consciousfashion #utopiaorg
Making Your Own Vegan Feta Cheese
Vegan feta tastes delicious and looks amazingly similar to the animal original. With this recipe, you can make vegan feta cheese yourself. #veganfeta #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian #plantbaseddiet #vegans #govegan #vegetarianrecipes #plantbasedmeals #veganrecipe #whatveganseat #veganfood #vegancomfortfood
Period Panties: Choosing the Best Period Underwear
When it comes to choosing period panties, comfort and absorbency are key. We’ll look at what period underwear is, how it works, and some of the best brands. #periodpanties #periodpanties ##sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicalfashion #ecofashion #ethicallymade #ecofriendly #fairtrade #ethicalstyle #sustainablestyle #organiccotton #greenfashion #consciousfashion #utopiaorg⁠ #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle
How to Make Veggie Sushi Rolls
Making veggie sushi rolls yourself can be a lot of fun and definitely worth the effort. You can tailor them to your tastes by filling the sushi rolls with your favorite vegetarian or vegan ingredients. Our instructions will show you how to make delicious veggie sushi yourself⁠. #vegansushi #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian
How to Make Vegan Puff Pastry: Recipe & Tips
The rumors are true: making vegan puff pastry, that is, without any butter at all, is really possible. We’ll share our vegan pastry recipe, so you can make this fluffy, delicate dough at home #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian #plantbaseddiet #vegans #govegan #vegetarianrecipes #plantbasedmeals #veganrecipe
Feeding Squirrels: What You Should Know
People love feeding squirrels when they show up in their backyards during the fall and winter months. But should you do this? We’ll look at which squirrel foods are species-appropriate and how to feed them responsibly. #feedsquirrels #gardening101 #gardeningisfun #gardeninglife #greenlove #gardenfun #smartgardener #growyourown #gardeninspo #plantlovers #vegiegarden #vegetablegarden #utopiaorg⁠
What is Agar Agar and How Do You Use It?
Agar agar is a wonderful plant-based alternative to conventional gelling agents. We’ll explain how it is produced, and how you can use it. #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian #plantbaseddiet #vegans #govegan #vegetarianrecipes #plantbasedmeals #veganrecipe
Homemade Vegan Black Bean Burger and Other Tasty Vegan Burger Recipes
Homemade vegan black bean burgers are much better than any store-bought version, and they’re easy to make. We’ll share our favorite method, plus two other delicious homemade vegan burger recipes. #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian #plantbaseddiet #vegans #govegan
Growing Vegetables from Scraps: How to Regrow Vegetables
Regrowing is the trend of growing vegetables from scraps on the windowsill or in the garden. In this article, you’ll find out which vegetables work best, and what you should keep in mind before getting started.⁠ #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #livegreen #learngreen #SustainableCollective #ecofriendly_planet #greenmatters #BeAGreenBoss #utopiaorg
Fasting One Day a Week: Benefits of Regular Fasting
What does fasting one day a week mean? And does it help you lose weight? We’ll explain how this form of fasting works and how useful it is. #healthynutrition #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyfood #nutritiontips #nutritionplan #nutritionfacts #nutritioncoaching #nutritioncoach #healthyeatinghabits #nutritional #healthydiet #nutritionblogger #healthyfoodideas #healthy #nutritionalcleansing
Orange Peel Uses: Why You Shouldn’t Throw The Skin Away
Oranges give off a fresh scent and taste delicious. Most of us get rid of the skin after eating, but orange peels are much too useful to throw away. We’ll share the long list of orange peel uses and benefits, so you can live more sustainably and help reduce your daily food waste. #householdhacks #householdtips #lowwaste #zerowaste #wastefree #zerowastehome #ecolife #livegreen #learngreen #sustainablehome #journeytozerowaste #zerowasteuk #zerowasteliving #zerowastetips #goingzerowaste
An Easy Guide to Creating a Minimalist Home
Our room-by-room guide will help design your own sustainable and minimalist home or apartment 🌿 Enjoy living with less, more free space in your home and beautiful minimalist decor #minimal #minimalist #style #minimalmood #fashion #simplicity #extrememinimalism #capsulewardrobe #personaluniform #minimalistcloset #minimalistwardrobe #sustainablefashion #minimalistfashion #capsulecloset #minimalistlifestyle
What is Gelatin Made of? 5 Vegan and Vegetarian Substitutes
Desserts such as panna cotta, mousse, and jellies often rely on gelatin for their unique textures. But what exactly is gelatin made of? We’ll show you exactly what is in gelatin and how to put a number of simple vegetarian or vegan gelatin substitutes to clever use.⁠ #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeal #vegansofig #veganfoodporn #vegetarianfood #plantbasedfood #plantbasedfoods #healthyrecipes #veganfoodshare #vegan #plantbased #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipe #vegetarian