Saving Money Hacks

How You Can Start a No Buy Year in 2023
Being able to buy everything we (think we) want within a few clicks has a lot of us not even question if we really need an item.⁠ 🛍️⁠ Train yourself away from consumeristic behaviors, do your part for the planet, and save some money by trying one yourself. ⁠ #consumerism #consumeless #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #livegreen #learngreen #utopiaorg
Keep Your Houseplants Alive: 10 Tips for Healthy Indoor Plants
Houseplants make your home beautiful. But which plants make the best houseplants, and what is the best way to care for them? Here’s a how-to guide for creating your green oasis #houseplants #howtoguide #greenoasis #cozyhome
How to Grow an Avocado Tree – Step by Step
Avocados have become incredibly popular, whether spread on toast, made into guacamole, or chopped into fresh salads. But did you know that you can plant the avocado pit? We’ll show you how to grow an avocado tree. #avocadotree #avocado #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #livegreen #learngreen
How to Save Energy with These Thermostat Settings for Winter
Recommended Thermostat Temperature Settings for Winter: How to Save on Heating
10 Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget
Grocery shopping on a budget saves you a lot of money, reduces your carbon footprint, and prevents you from wasting food. Here are 10 tips to help you figure out how to shop smart. #sustainability #frugalliving #environment #food #budget #climate
Natural Egg Dye: Easter Egg Dyeing with Organic Ingredients
Natural Easter egg dyes are incredibly easy to make. However, when it comes to dyeing eggs, we often buy pre-colored eggs or artificial dyes from the supermarket out of convenience. There’s no need – here’s how to make your own Easter egg dyes from scratch #eastereggs #dyeeggs #eggs #dye #naturaldyeing #sustainableliving
10 Everyday Green Living Ideas: Sustainability on a Shoestring Budget
Green Living Ideas: In terms of green living, isn’t “sustainable” just code for “expensive”? No, it is not. Conscious consumption not only saves you money – it can expand your horizons as well #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #livegreen #learngreen
DIY: Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas for Friends and Family
Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas: For Friends and Family. #christmas #christmasgiftideas #christmasgifts #diygiftideas #diygifts #sustainable #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle
Growing Tomatoes in Pots: How to Plant Them on Your Balcony
Growing Tomatoes in Pots: How to Plant Them on Your Balcony. Since planting and growing tomatoes in pots or other containers is very easy, why not give it a try? Here’s a guide on how to grow tomatoes on your balcony at home.#growingtomatoes #growingtomatoescontainers
Foods that Never Expire: 8 Forever Foods for Your Kitchen
There’s no best-by date but it’s been sitting around for ages? Don’t worry about it, there are some foods that never expire – if stored correctly they will never go to waste no matter how long they linger in the cabinet. #lowwaste #zerowaste #wastefree #zerowastehome #plasticfree #ecolife #sustainablehome #journeytozerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastetips #goingzerowaste #ecofriendly #reducewaste #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastejourney #sustainablelifestyle #reducereuserecycle