Travel & Places

29 Pins
It's better to look back on life and say "I cant believe I did that." than to look back and say "I wish I did that"
Feet Instead Of Roots Via Tumblr
"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet, he said." - Rachel Wolchin
20 Inspiring Quotes That Will Make You Want To Travel The World
20 Inspiring Quotes That Will Make You Want To Travel The World
20 Inspiring Quotes That Will Make You Want To Travel The World
Faszinierendes Florenz
Mit der gewaltigen Kuppel des Doms Santa Maria del Fiore gelang Filippo Brunelleschi eine bis heute unübertroffene Meisterleistung. Weithin sichtbar kündet der Kuppelbau von der Schönheit der Kunstmetropole Florenz. (Foto: iStock/Mlenny)
Spending Time On the Water in Turks and Caicos
I'm happiest when floating in the sea.
On to my list: Go atleast once a year to a place you have never been before.