Ute Bartels Wildlife Art

Wildlife Art, Naturmalerei, Tiermalerei, Wildlife, Art, Natur, Malerei, Seidenmalerei, Tiere in der Kunst, Kunst, Seide, Painting, Animal Painting, Silkpainting, Bird painting,
8 Pins
"Im Blick" (In the Focus) 70 x 60 cm Silkpainting www.UteBartels.de
"Brandseeschwalben" Sandwich Terns" 90 x 90 cm Silkpainting www.UteBartels.de
"Schwanenfamilie" (Swansfamily) 110 x 70 cm Silkpainting www.UteBartels.de
"Im Schilf" (In the Reed) 85 x 85 cm Silkpainting www.UteBartels.de
"Grauschnäpper" (Flycatcher) Silkpainting, 70 x 95 cm
"Fischotters Fang" (Otters Catch) Silkpainting, 55 x 65 cm
"Daydream" Silkpainting, 50 x 60 cm