du it yours self

358 Pins
Another work in progress by nimuae on DeviantArt
Another version of my pouch: nimuae.deviantart.com/art/Pouc… Just finished
For the Mandala flower, here is a step-by-step photo gallery. To do this you start at step 1 with 7 strings attached and 6 with Einhängeschlingen on 7 folded thread. Other threads are then inserted by most of us with an ordinary shoelace knot. Overall, you need 98 double threads for the flower in the tutorial! However, it is important that there are 7 at the beginning and at least 4 are inserted at every step.
daisy crown - colorful-crafts.com
Easy #DIY tutorial for a Cute Daisy Crown! #craft // Einfache Gänseblümchen Krone selber machen
Dog Days & Dandelions
Step by Step how to make a Dandelion Crown or Garland.
Setting Up a Planter Box - Square Foot Gardening - $5 Dinners | Recipes, Meal Plans, Coupons
Square Foot Gardening