Relationship & Marriage

Finding the person, with whom you can build a strong bond, foster a healthy & loving relationship and maybe have a family with? It is tough. But it is often even tougher to live with this special person every day through all the highs and downs. This board collects articles & tips about how to love better and make the best out of your relationship even through the rough patches.
210 Pins
The Five Love Languages For A Happy Marriage
Alternately, I have seen this as Spiritual sharing, Physical, Intellectual, Communicative/Creative and Emotional.
How to Reconnect With Your Spouse Emotionally, Sexually, Spiritually, and Intellectually (Questions Included)
How to connect or reconnect with your spouse emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically and sexually. EVEN if you don't know where to start with your spouse. -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspmarragebliss Resources and Information.
A question a day keeps divorce away.
Marriage 101: What Every Married Couple Needs to Know
They might not have covered this in your premarital counseling - but they probably should have! Here's what you should really know about love and marriage! via @Club31Women
5 Ways to Have Fun with Your Spouse During the Holidays
How to Have Fun with Your Husband and Enjoy Your Marriage during Christmas and the Holidays - The Christmas season is hectic, and it's easy to lose track of your spouse and your marriage. Here are 5 simple ways to prioritize your marriage and your spouse this Christmas. Marriage tips and advice | Christmas ideas #Christmas #Marriage #Marriagetips
5 Big Differences The Second Time You Get Married
A successful marriage doesn't come easily but when it's the second time you get married there are a lot of differences to the way you approach your marriage. Relationships | Marriage | Partner | Marriage Advice | Marriage Goals | In Love | Love | Marriage Problems | Spice Up Your Marriage | Marriage Ideas | Happy Marriage | Relationship Goals | Relationship Advice | Relationship Tips | Relationship Problems |
Pin Now! How to Stop Arguing in You Marriage. Are you looking for some help to improve communication in your marriage? We have 7 tips that will help you stop arguing. #marriage #relationship
Home - for the family
Want to make your spouse feel special? Four simple habits can help your relationship to flourish. Come discover these small steps to grow in your marriage today!