Design - CI

61 Pins
源 . 亮 : A Retrospect on Chinese Clans (The Posters) - Serene Yap
源 . 亮 : A Retrospect on Chinese Clans in Singapore (The Posters) on Behance, By Serene Yap
Nike The Opening Packaging
‪#‎Nike‬ The Opening ‪#‎Packaging‬ designed by Hovercraft Studio -
Brand Development and Identity Services - Raleigh Branding
Zenith Premium Travel Kits - New Zealand #identity #packaging #branding PD
“ TO BAZAKI” Juice Bar – Design Identity - George Probonas
To Basaki, Juice Bar identity by George Probonas. Top #2014 team pin by a number of pinners PD
Behance Portfolio Reviews SP #6
Behance Portfolio Reviews SP #6 on Behance
Heisenberg - Mike Karolos
Identity concept for TV series character "Heisenberg" or else Walter White from Breaking Bad via Mike Karolos Athens, Greece. Love the blue #identity #packaging #branding curated by Packaging Diva PD created via