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How to Read and Write Any Language — A Quick Guide
One of the best ways to learn a language is by learning how to write an read. Knowing this will improve your ability to learn a language fast. This is how you can learn how to read and write in some of the most difficult languages - Chinese, Japanese, Arabic. #languagetips #languagehack #learnchinese #learnarabic #learnjapanese
45 free online classes you can take (and finish) by the end of this year
Whether you're interested in programming, graphic design, speech writing, or conflict resolution, there's bound to be a class for you.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a New Language
When I started studying Portuguese, I couldn't help but ignore most of the advice I'd read from famous polyglots like Benny Lewis. Don't be like me. #learninglanguages #learningspanish #learningfrench #learninggerman #learningportuguese
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a New Language
Ten Sentences of Hebrew a Day for 30 Days
I Learned Ten Sentences of Hebrew a Day for a Month... Here's What Happened | Discover Discomfort
6 Different Studying Methods For Back to School | Reese Regan
Find yourself struggling to study despite various efforts? Try out some of these studying methods and see which one works best for you!
Top 10 websites for learning languages for free
Here are the most popular websites where you can start learning a new language today and it’s free! Most of them have cell phone apps too.
Sprachlernmethoden und Vorgehensweise Wählen Sie die für Sie richtige aus, #richtige #sprachlernmethoden #vorgehensweise #wahlen