
522 Pins
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There is a list of mythological creatures through this website I tried to pin and would not because of the lack of image.
BookBub Blog - The book lover's inside source for news, tips, & deals
17 books to read if you love Harry Potter!
Top Ten Tuesday – January 20, 2015: My Top Ten Fantasy Books (So Far)
Top Ten Tuesday - January 20, 2015: My Top (way more than) Ten favorite fantasy books (so far)! // The Book Addict's Guide
Harry Potter Print A4 Book Quote Library Chamber of Secrets Hermione Illustration Children Poster - Etsy UK
when in doubt. | ets "But you get banned from the library, and u can't go anymore"
28 Autorinnen und ihre Schreibrituale - Julia K. Stein
Schreibrituale von 26 Autorinnen! Ich hatte gar nicht geplant, nur Autorinnen zu befragen, aber das hat sich dann irgendwie so ergeben. Es war auch für mich super spannend zu sehen, wie andere schreiben. Es folgt noch ein weiterer Post über Produktivität, der auch spannend wird. Ich selbst schreibe entweder am Schreibtisch oder im Büro....Read More »
personapaper.com is expired
If you’ve been thinking about writing an ebook but not sure how to do it, this blog post is for you! For as long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve always thought about writing an ebook to go along with the blog. But, like most of you was completely overwhelmed at how to go about writing…
Writing Tips from J.K. Rowling | NowNovel
JK Rowling Five Great Writing Tips from J.K. Rowling 1.Write when you have time 2.Planning is essential 3. Rewriting is just as essential 4. Be aware of plot and pacing 5. Write your passion.