kawaii fashion ♥

112 Pins
EyeCandy's Cosmetic Colored Contacts & Circle Lens
Love all the pieces, but if i try to do this combination, I might turn the colour palette to darker colours to better suit the pieces that I have at hand.
Mori Girl <3 Sei que não é lolita mas não queria criar outro painel só para esta foto xD
My Darling Rainbow
via My Darling Rainbow http://mydarlingrainbow.tumblr.com/
Cat Gloves ~ Brown $12.00 http://thingsfromjapan.net/cat-gloves-brown/ #cat gloves #kawaii Japanese stuff #cute cat items
EyeCandy's Cosmetic Colored Contacts & Circle Lens
Kawaii fashion - this is prob the only Kawaii outfit I would actually wear, lol!
My Darling Rainbow
via My Darling Rainbow http://mydarlingrainbow.tumblr.com