
35 Pins
kyonkkun: “ 日常 | 幻象黑兔 ※Permission was granted by the artist to upload their works. Make sure to rate/retweet the original work! ”
Aw....its reminds me of when I was first metting Kenya...she would b the one wt pink hair and I was tge one wt black. ....I miss u sis ♥
surprise, bitch
Sisters Mina and Rachel; age 11; Mina is clever and resourceful; Rachel is quiet and stutters when pressured. You can adopt one or the other but they'd prefer to stay together
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47499837 (via http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47499837 )
himarin.net - Japan Resources and Information.
✮ ANIME ART ✮ yuri. . .girls in love. . .school uniform. . .in the rain. . .umbrella. . .hug. . .linking arms. . .surprised. . .blushing. . .cute. . .kawaii
snowy bus stop | Anime Gallery | Tokyo Otaku Mode (TOM) Shop: Figures & Merch From Japan
✮ ANIME ART ✮ yuri. . .girls in love. . .hug. . .cuddle. . .snow. . .winter. . .scarves. . .mittens. . .blushing. . .smile. . .cute. . .kawaii
VOCALOID Image by Shiku (Pixiv5741727) #1654158 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Tags: Anime, Fanart, Vocaloid, GUMI, Pixiv
Pink Day by hitsukuya.deviantart.com on @deviantART