
39 Pins
Tarot Spread - Making Sense of the Unexpected — Emerald Lotus Divination
Tarot spread for making sense of the unexpected & interpreting change. For more free tarot spreads visit, www.emeraldlotus.ca
Tarot Spread - Root Chakra — Emerald Lotus Divination
Start the week off right by grounding yourself, feeling secure and embracing your community - all by simply balancing your Root Chakra. Find more at www.emeraldlotus.ca
Start Your Day the Intuitive Way with Tarot Reading
One of my favourite ways to tap into my intuition - and learn to trust what comes up - is an exercise called the Daily Tarot Card, where you do just what it sounds like: pull one card every day for yourself and see what kind of guidance you get from it. Try this ritual from Everyday Tarot or learn more at biddytarot.com
Tarot Spread - Love Languages — Emerald Lotus Divination
Do you know your love language? Here's a tarot spread to help dig further. Visit the post on my website for more info about the love languages!
Tarot Spread - Allowing Yourself to Bloom — Emerald Lotus Divination
Daily tarot spread for promoting growth and happiness. Enjoy!
How I Developed My Psychic Abilities with Intuitive Tarot Reading | Soul Truth Gateway
Tarot and the chakras | Tarot Chakra | Intuitive Tarot | Intuitive Tarot Tips | Tarot Card Reading | Tarot Learning | Tarot Tips
Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for the Major Arcana — Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg
Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for the Major Arcana of Tarot ~ 22 essential-oil diffuser recipes to inspire you and your practice.
Tarot Spread - Mindfulness — Emerald Lotus Divination
This tarot spread will help you identify what holds you back from being present. For more free spreads visit www.emeraldlotus.ca
Tarot and Numerology: What do numbers in Tarot Mean for the Minor Arcana? (Infographic)