
85 Pins
A hardship and suffering is a blessing. It is a moment of test, a test that once you pass with patience, it will grant you rewards more than you can imagine.
How You're Killing Your Own Creativity (Infographic) | Entrepreneur
Building creativity & innovation in your life.
THE 8 DOORS OF JANNAH.. 1. BAABUS SALAH: Those who were punctual in observing their Salaah will be granted entry through this door. 2. BAABUL JIHAD: Those who participated in Jihad will be granted entry through this door. 3. BAABUL SADAQAH: Those who frequently gave Sadaqah charity will be admitted into Jannah through this door. 4. BAABUR RAYYAAN: The people who constantly observed the fast will be granted entry through this door. 5. BAABUL HAJJ: Those who observe the pilgrimage will be admi...
Quranic Quotes
The Quran 2:195 (Surah al-Baqarah) -- "Let not your own hands contribute to your destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves those who do good." This is what Islam teaches!
Dua. Sponsor a poor child learn Quran with $10, go to FundRaising
When we are tempted to sin we must remember death, Allah is watching us, The Angels are recording.