Codename U.N.C.L.E.

63 Pins
the most skilled spy of the three ya'll, she fooled Solo, she outfought Illya, she triple-agent-ed Russia and America, not too shabby Gaby ;))) !!!!
Illya and Gaby #manfromuncle #gallya tumblr
The Man from Uncle text posts by clarasworldofwonders via tumblr. This made me laugh and laugh
Circus' Gifs
I spotted this little moment in one of the bts [x] & now all I can see is Illya being bored while waiting for Gaby who’s trying one more dress (the green one, he loved the back).
Fanart of ”The Man from u.n.c.l.e.“ Illya and... - Haruka Ota's illustrations on Tumblr
Fanart of ”The Man from u.n.c.l.e.“ Illya and Gaby. They are shy and are very heartwarming. I hope that They will find happiness together. コードネームU.N.C.L.E.、イリヤとギャビー 音楽や映像にシビれたり酔いしれたりなアンクル、でもいつもいちばんイリヤくんにハラハラドキドキしてしまう…どうか、幸あれ…。