Super Junior

159 Pins
[SCAN] Super Junior #Magic photobook
[SCAN] Super Junior #Magic photobook | 별이 뜬다
It can still make me hyperventilate everytime I look at this picture. xD
[SCAN] Super Junior #Magic photobook
[SCAN] Super Junior #Magic photobook | 별이 뜬다
The Kings of hallyu wave
“..여행의 시작이었던 첫 사진..이제야 사진을 올립니다 팬미팅때문에 꼭꼭 숨겨뒀지요^^..”
Won Bin, Korean actor who stars in The Man from Nowhere.
K-pop Super Junior. I have no idea what they're saying but, there's always one english line so I have a gist of what's going on
med rosen læges tornestikket: Photo
med rosen læges tornestikket : Photo Kyuhyun