
271 Pins
18 DIY Cell Phone Accessories You Never Knew You Needed -
Owning a cell phone means you need to also own cell phone accessories that keep your delicate little tech baby safe and protected. The first things that come to mind are probably study cases that make it impossible for your phone to shatter out of nowhere and portable chargers that actually work on-the-go. Those accessories … Read More
3M views · 10K reactions | 5 Creative Ways To Gift Money For Graduation | Give the grad in your life something other than a money lei 💸 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
DIY phone stand with recycled toilet paper rolls
DIY phone stand with recycled toilet paper rolls Re-purposing is all about creativity! Although you can always buy a phone holder, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to create one by yourself? If you a…
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Beach Decor Shells Nautilus Pearl Turbo and von SeashellCollection - ein Blog mit aktuellen News...
Material & Werkzeug -
DIY Anleitung: Gläser mit Tierfiguren, Upcycling // diy tutorial: mason jars with copper animal figures via
Deko selber machen - schöne Upcycling Idee aus Gläsern – Happy Dings – Einfach glücklich werden
DIY Upcycling - alte Konserven Gläser einfach und unkompliziert upcyceln. Schöne Deko für Badezimmer und Co.