
635 Pins
The iconic masonic chess set! - Yanko Design
The Fortify chess set celebrates concrete and its contribution to civilization by using it in the most apt game possible. Chess, a battle between warring kingdoms/factions gets its much needed update, with the movement from wood and ivory, materials of the pre-industrial revolution era, to concrete and iron, the very symbol of masonry and the civilizations it has built.
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DIY concrete ring cones & jewelry holders - Evan & Katelyn | Home DIY | Tutorials
These DIY ring cones and jewelry bowls are made using stuff you find at craft stores
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Jurassic Light Kubic Tischleuchte, Zink/Beton Vintage grau
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Side table side table side table side table cube cubes concrete side table side table side table side table side table side table side table -
Seite Tabelle Seite Tabelle Seite Tabelle Seite Tisch Cube
PETRA, coffee table and side table : concrete aspect and steel, without concrete - designed by INÊS MARTINHO
PETRA, coffee table and side table : concrete aspect and steel, without concrete - designed by INÊS MARTINHO
D-09046B concrete tv bench with scandinavian oak legs
IKEA Hack: How to Make a Modern Concrete Pendant Lamp
IKEA Hack: How to Make a Modern Concrete Pendant Lamp
Wandleuchte SC646 Betonlampe. original Dtchss Design Ambiente Lampe -
Wandleuchte konkrete SC 15 handgefertigt. Wandlampe von dtchss