re/li Muster

25 Pins
Knit-Purl Combinations: Pattern 7 (Knitting Unlimited)
Yarrn shown in this swatch: Cotton Fair. Size: US 4 3.5mm. The knit (K) stitch and the purl (P) stitch are the only stitches used. Work with a multiple of 24 stitches. Row 1 - right side: * P2, k2, p2
Tumbling Moss Blocks
Tumbling Moss Blocks. Just Knit and Purl
Дивный Новый Мир
Las muestras de apareamiento - Punto - Consejos para la costura - Abuela
Knits and purls ~~ - a grouped images picture
Knits and purls ~~
Иммитация косы из лицевых и изнаночных - Вязание - Страна Мам
узоры для вязания
Driving spoke beautiful pattern
Tiles I
Tiles I Stitch Knitting Tutorial - (craftcookie)
Схемы красивых узоров спицами
Схемы красивых узоров спицами
Knits and purls ~~ - a grouped images picture
Knit/Purl+Patterns | Knitting Stitch Patterns -- Knit & Purl Stitches -- Pine Cone
Intertwined Texture knitting stitch; how to knit
Intertwined Texture Stitch
Diagonal Garter - knitting in the round
Reversible knitting stitches. Textured on the right side. Using knit and purl combinations. Worked in the round.
Broken Rib - Pattern 2 - knitting in the round
Easy rib pattern - Worked in the round