Pose References

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Another catch-up of portrait-oriented images to have sold from last Saturday's H&P Equine Events Unaffiliated One Day Event at the ever-fabulous Milton Keynes Equestrian Centre. Massive thanks to everyone who has persisted through the ordering issues. Touch wood, we seem to be out the other side of it now 🫶🐴📸
Cape, Viking cape for men and women, Thorsberg cape, long cape, Greek himation, Gallic saie, handmade sewing, sayon, Viking blanket
Cape, Viking cape for men and women, Thorsberg cape, long cape, Greek himation, Gallic saie, handmade sewing, sayon, Viking blanket, blanket, handmade sewing, Gallic, cosplay, Celtic cape, long Viking cape Gallic sayon, Greek himation in old dark red wool peacoat with full outline in braids, Thorsberg cape entirely handmade in France One size cape Hangs with a handcrafted wrought iron spiral fibula provided The entire edge is decorated with a coordinated woven braid 100% handmade by me