Travel Memories

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Frame the currency from the countries you've been! Allows you to always remember each one and display them to everyone who visits your house! Great conversation starter!!
Use Leftover Currency (travel coins) to make an art piece!
Do you have coins from your travels just laying around? Use this modern idea to display travel coins as art!
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When you travel you see, experience different countries cultures, peoples etc and one collects memories, photos and maybe a few souvenirs. I find that in most countries the bills tend to display something or someone that the inhabitants are proud of Proven Make Money Online - 6 Figure a Month, view FREE Video now!
The foreign money jar gets some inspiration
The foreign money jar gets some inspiration | Cultural Jet Lag
Currency wall. One of my favorite travel souvenirs is currency. Framing the currency is a great way to display it!
DIY-Idee: Spardose für Globetrotter | Wunderweib
Mit jeder eingeworfenen Münze rückt der Traumurlaub ein Stück näher! Die Kontinente bringt Ihr mit Tattoo-Papier auf die Reisekasse auf.
23 creative ways to decorate your home with your travels
Neat ways to display travels