
Illustration, Art, Grafik Design, Digital Artist, Screenprint, Music, Hip Hop Culture
54 Pins
This may contain: a person is using a pair of scissors to cut out something on a blue surface
Mr.P41 x Fino91 - Artshow
Artshow over 3days. At 48h Neukölln in Berlin. Illustration, Canvas painting, 3Dmodels. #Artshow #Graffiticulture #Streetculture #Berlin #Fino91 #MRP41 #u7eleven
This may contain: two pieces of construction paper on top of a table
Street Culture by Mr.P Grfx
Street Culture Ob Streetball, Graffiti oder Fußball im Käfig, die Straßenkultur stärkt das soziale Miteinander. In einer Welt, die immer digitaler wird, erinnert uns dieser Print daran, wie wichtig es ist, draußen zu sein und echte Verbindungen zu knüpfen. Ein kleiner Anstoß, die Konsole mal auszuschalten und einfach rauszugehen. #streetculture #ArtShow #U7eleven #streetculture #Fino91 #MrP #GraffitiArt #BerlinArtists #LimitedEdition #Kunst
One Love - Art Illustration
ONE LOVE Inspiration und Leidenschaft sind so vielfältig wie die Menschen selbst. Ob Basketball, Kunst oder Musik – jeder von uns hat mindestens eine Sache im Leben, die er über alles liebt. Haltet an dieser Liebe fest und lasst sie euch nicht nehmen. Denn genau diese Leidenschaft ist es, die euch glücklich macht und euch als Individuum auszeichnet. Dieses Motiv soll euch daran erinnern, eurer Leidenschaft zu folgen und euch von niemandem entmutigen oder abbringen zu lassen.
This may contain: an image of a computer screen with the word warmup sketch on it's left side
Warmup sketch - 20min. girl illustration
Starting my d'aula routine with a 20min. warmup sketch. #sketch #illustration #character #characterdesign #girlillustration
This may contain: a man holding a basketball in his right hand and wearing a white t - shirt
Sneaker Club Society - Branding project
Celebrating the sneaker culture.
Sneaker Club Society - personal branding concept - Mr.P GRFX
Check out new work on my @Behance profile: "Sneaker Club Society - personal branding concept"
This may contain: an image of a t - shirt with the words sneaker club on it's chest
Sneaker Club Society - T-shirt Animation
I created this little fun project for a Sneaker Club. mapping the Illustration on a T-shirt walking cycle. #sneaker #animation
This may contain: graffiti on the side of a building with a woman's face
Graffiti in Barcelona - graffiti Wall painting
Barcelona's vibrant streets serve as a canvas for graffiti artists, reflecting a dynamic subculture. From the colorful murals in El Raval to the intricate stencils in Gràcia, graffiti thrives as a form of expression, blending tradition with contemporary flair. Explore the city's alleys to uncover the diverse voices of Barcelona's graffiti scene.
Commision work - Afropunk illustration in acrylic combined with leafgold. thx for your support! Open for projects.
Afropunk - Wall illustration
Commision work - Afropunk illustration in acrylic combined with leafgold. thx for your support! Open for projects.
This may contain: someone is painting a wall with black and gold paint
New Artwork - Afropunk illustration
Commission work, celebrating the Afropunk culture. Wall illustration. Thank you for supporting my Art.
This may contain: a man is painting a tiger on the wall with black paint and white inks
Wall Art - creating a nice mural
Comisson work - painting my Afropunk mural.
This may contain: the cover to astropunk's album, cultural identity
Afeopunk Culture - Artprint by Mr.P GRFX
Afropunk culture is a vibrant movement celebrating black creativity, individuality, and defiance of societal norms. It embraces eclectic fashion, music, and art, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment for marginalized communities.
I created this awsome coverart for the Berlin rapper Nicone. The song is about smoking some weed with your girl and relax.
Cover Art for Nicone
I created this awsome coverart for the Berlin rapper Nicone. The song is about smoking some weed with your girl and relax.
This may contain: an image of a football helmet with the words new print coming soon
TIGER STYLE - Bewerbung Art Print
i created this new Artprint called tiger Style - a tribute to hip hop culture and inspired by the one and only Wu - Tang Clan. #tigerstyle