
766 Pins
Hunde- und Pferdefotografie | Wiebke Haas · Animal Photography
— APHA world champion Colonel Coosader is still a stunning stallion
Brown Horse by EmmiCarlsson on DeviantArt
A Nordsuensk stallion - title Brown horse by Emmi Carlssson on deviantART - Tall. Dark. And Handsome!
Mega Tack Tutorial Part 1 - Saddle Basics by Tattered-Dreams on DeviantArt
These aren't the only things out there of course, but it should get you started and keep your drawing busy. Available in smaller, more digestible chunks at :
Which Percy Jackson character are you?
Umbra Sehr sehr scheu. Legende: Jeder der es je zu Gesicht bekommen hat stirbt Kurz danach. Auch der Tod auf Hufen genant.