Girls play area

32 Pins
部屋全体/フェイクドリンク/子供部屋&キッズスペース/カフェ風インテリアを目指して/子供のいる暮らし...などのインテリア実例 - 2018-06-16 13:53:00 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
Children’s Grocery Store: Welcome to Bennett’s!
Playhouse Bed for two? :)
awesome play house bed for the girls---can i get the hubby to build it???
Thrifty mum transforms her daughter's Kmart cubby house
But instead of leaving it as it was, the fashion and lifestyle blogger and her husband decided to make the space a little more special and give it a café vibe