Bezaubernde Iris Schwertilien

Die schönsten, aussergewöhnlichsten Formen und Farben verschiedenster Arten der Iris - meiner Lieblingspflanzen, die man leider nicht alle haben kann, aber immer wieder schön anzusehen sind.
118 Pins
Tall Bearded Iris Musician (Iris germanica)
Tall Bearded Iris Musician (Iris germanica) More
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TbPlotLine < TbPthruT < Iris Wiki
'Plot Line' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2010) Sdlg. 06-13S. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards blue, wide tan halo; Falls mahogany maroon; beards yellow. 04-45P: (02-177P3: (00-133J2: ('Pennant Fever' x U97-20T, unknown) x'Gilt Trip') x 01-178W: ('Peaches And Dreams' x 99-149W2: ('Tropical Magic' x 97-24A3, 'Natural Blond' sib))) X 03-23#: (01-60: (99-40S: (97-46N: ('Impulsive' x 'Ocelot') x 97-36H3, 'Revere' sib) x 99-25M: (97-36H3 x 'Original Art)) x 'Decadence').
TB Iris germanica 'Sweet Svengali' (Blyth, 2010)
Drama Queen | Tall Bearded Iris
An example of the speckled color pattern, "Drama Queen", 2003, Keppel, Dykes Medal Winner 2011.
Iris germanica"Supreme Sultan"Large Pumpkin Orange w/dark Wine Falls
Ocelot | Tall Bearded Iris
Ocelot | Tall Bearded
Tall Bearded Iris "Deep Dark Black & Purple Collection" 2-Plants/Rhizomes/Bulbs
Baltic Star...Schreiner's Iris Gardens
Bronze beauties
Bronze beauties | Bronze Irises | by Lynn Suckow