Christian Stuff ✝️

497 Pins
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This contains an image of: don’t listens to the enemy
don’t listens to the enemy
This may contain: a woman with long brown hair pointing at the camera and saying, you cannot truly wonder everything
How to fully surrender to God
How to fully surrender to God
This may contain: a man sitting in front of a microphone with his eyes closed and one hand on the drum
Christian advice!
Let love flow from you will willingly. Let love be the action you sow. Let everything you do be done in love. In doing this, you are loving one another as Christ Jesus loves you. Video credit: @faithmentality_ TikTok. #god #faith #jesus #jesusfollower #christanity #holyspirit #healing #godswill #peaceful #godsgrace #happiness #godslove #growth
This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a couch holding a banana
gossip- from a christian pov ☆
(not my video)
Seltene Babynamen für Mädchen
Lass dich von unseren wunderschönen Namenskombinationen, originellen Schreibweisen und bedeutungsvollen Symbolen inspirieren. 🥥☁️🤍
Seltene Mädchennamen mit besonderer Bedeutung💗☁️ Du wirst eine Mädchenmama? Falls du noch auf der Suche nach wunderschönen Mädchennamen bist, schreibe mir gerne eine Nachricht mit "Girl" und ich schicke dir 5 neue Mädchennamen direkt in dein Postfach! Freue mich, wenn du mir folgst und bei mir im Shop vorbeischaust!! xx #schönenamen #schönebabynamen #seltenebabynamen #schwangerschaft #mädchenmama #babynamenidee #babynamenideenmädchen #dieschönstenbabynamen #mamaalltag #baby #babygirl
This may contain: a woman is smiling and holding her hand up to her ear with the caption i'm not going hold you're hand when i say this,
Amen she said it for me 👑
Christian tiktok #love #christiantopics