DIY - Möbel

Hold Everything Pallet Tool Rack • Recyclart
Hold everything pallet tool rack #PalletRack, #ToolRack
Desk Entirely Made From Repurposed Pallets • 1001 Pallets
You can create this Pallet Desk with new or repurposed pallets purchased at The item shown above was not created by and is not claimed to be the intellectual property of It does, however, get us very excited about the possibilities of projects YOU can create with items purchased at
Clothes wardrobe is something that is a necessity in every home and people mostly places it in the bedroom, so here we are showing an idea to create it with your own hands. There is no door on it, the whole wardrobe is open and there is a space for hanging the clothes. mehr zum Selbermachen auf
Vertikaler Garten und Blumenbeet anlegen – DIY aus Europaletten
Vertikaler Garten und Blumenbeet anlegen - DIY aus Europaletten
I love ladder bookcases... use in dining room or kitchen or bathroom for extra storage.
Eco Office Open Shelf Base made with PureBond Formaldehyde Free Plywood
how to build corner desk with storage. This website has TONS of different projects to build, with a shopping list and directions of how to make it!