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Sunday inspiration #Sunday #inspiration #create #simplicity #simplelife #hygge #design #pinterest #lifestyle
°photographer°breadbaker°culinary storyteller&traveller°coffeelover°enjoying the simple things in life°germany°
THE BIG SLEEP (Tote schlafen fest) – zum 100. Geburtstag von Lauren Bacall
Arsenal - How to cook your life
Home - Foodassembly
Einkauf von regionalen Produkten direkt beim Erzeuger. Obst, Gemüse, Fleisch…
So excited to announce that #ludcshop new collection is finally up. It was such a pleasure working with @otchipotchi @mf_ceramics @sulbags @bmourinha @joaogennebra @annawesterlundceramics , developing new exclusive products for a shop. Thank you @yaneept for being such a great model, @filipelucasfrazao for help during the photo session and @joanat opening doors of #youinlisbon r/c for us!!! Check it out at
Donuts!! Lots of them!! @hannygb made a whole batch for the @amapa_flowershop market.
I am in need for warmer weather. Really - it's getting quite urgent. Even more now as this beautiful linen dress from @notperfectlinen arrived today... This is number three of my #7tage7stücke.