counted stitches

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37 Pins
An entry from tenderblue
tenderblue - I have done some smocking. Not difficult once you understand the's just joining dots....This one is exquisite!
Sammlung Online Nationalmuseum
STICKMUSTERTUCH IN-6959.15 Stickmustertuch. Bei der Herstellung eines Mustertuches übt sich die Stickerin in den verschiedenen Sticharten. Herstellerin unbekannt. Seidenstickerei, bunte Seide auf Leinwand. 1673. Masse: Höhe 57 cm, Breite 34 cm. (IN-6959.15)
Booklet of embroidery and drawnwork | probably Portuguese | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum Mobile - Art Object
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Master Collection Kazuko Aoki 07 - Wild Flower Garden - Japanese embroidery craft book. $42.00, via Etsy.
Envelope is a unique online shopping mall made up of a few independent shops from all around Japan. Our goal is to provide our customers with a shopping experience that is, as much as possible, just like visiting the shops in person.the linen birdKits, Books & Patterns CROSS‐STITCH FOLKLORE (DMC ANTIQUE COLLECTION)
Korsstygn till barnrummet – Cross stitch paper animals (Craft & Creativity)
Korsstygn till barnrummet – Cross stitch paper animals