Knitting patterns

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Knitting Circle in West Iceland | Meet some local yarn lovers and artisans
Yarn bombing comes full circle. Vogur, Icelandic Ram
Rubberduck Socks pattern by Renate Dalmo
Rubberduck Socks - could be really fun with minis! #MiniSkeinMonday
Knit & Love
Fabulous knitted cushion. You could knit a particular edition! Ingiknits: Knit & Love.
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Afmæli 20-year Anniversary Sweater pattern by Védís Jónsdóttir for Ístex
Ravelry: MOONSTITCHES's Icelandic Berries
Type: Fan Art, Anime(s)/Show(s): Tumblr/DC Nation, Character(s): The Knitter, Comment: An Origin story for The Knitter, makes me want to make up one myself for Tumblr's leading villian.