Как создать куклу своей мечты ? Мастер - классы , советы , рекомендации .
Нюшин сундучок : Как создать куклу своей мечты ? Мастер - классы , советы , рекомендации .
Character Design References
super_male_anatomy_back ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES (www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the #CDChallenge (link→ www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme every month, promote your art and make new friends in a community of over 25.000 artists! || ★
Shoulder Girdle continued... by Nova-MadArt on DeviantArt
How to draw the shoulder girdle, courtesy of N3M0S1S.deviantart.com. I'm not keen on how shiny each of the forms are in this tutorial, but the notes are amazing.:
Simplified Anatomy Variations by Sycra on DeviantArt
Simplified Anatomy Variations by Sycra.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt
Is your pelvis out of balance?
Core muscles on yoga anatomy. David Keil contemplates the relationship between the psoas and the gluteal muscles and how to understand the implications of an imbalanced pelvis, both on the yoga mat and in daily life in general.
Muscle of the Month: Serratus Anterior, Your Way to Bliss in Planks — CLARISSA SMIRNOV
better diagram of the serratus muscle group on the torso sides.
??????jiao?cheng(331?)_??UI ???? via cgpin.com (scheduled via http://www.tailwindapp.com?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=twpin&utm_content=post1339895&utm_campaign=scheduler_attribution)