schrumpffolie shrink plastic

22 Pins
GREAT TIP for figuring out exactly how big to make your original piece that will shrink to the size you want - no more guesswork! Clever idea! **************************************** greenbeans crafterole #shrink #plastic #crafts
How to Make Shrink Plastic Jewelry and Accessories
This item is unavailable - Etsy
shrink plastic earrings Plastique fou dingue DIY
Parakeet Party Ring
adorable bracelet from shrink plastic!
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Indigo Butterfly Wing Earrings - Shrinky Dinks. $10.00, via Etsy.
A Little Bit Of Shrink Art
Yours Artfully: A Little Bit Of Shrink Art
Shrink Plastic Adventures, Part 2
At Home With Crab Apple Designs: Shrink Plastic Adventures, Part 2 - Seal with Krylon, add gloss with Glossy Accents.
The Cheshire Cat Photo: Cheshire Cat necklace
disappearing Cheshire cat charm---I,m going to try making this by doing the recyclable #6 plastic baking/shrinking trick.
Red Lead Shop
video using shrink plastic - use gesso for a white background, then stamp, then color with permanent marker.