25 Pins
Vieux Port pavilion by Foster + Partners
Marseille, le Vieux Port : l'ombrière géante de Foster + Partners
Sweet alley...
Sweet alley in southern Switzerland by Alex Switzerland
BIG's Winter Bath in Copenhagen Harbor: Cold Water, Hot Architecture
BIG Winter Bath in Copenhagen Harbor: Cold Water, Hot #Architecture
Features - World Construction Network
Created by Atelier Dreiseitl, the design for the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin was awarded with the DGNB Certificate of the German Sustainable Building Council for sustainable city quarters. Image courtesy of Atelier Dreiseitl. - Image - Design Build Network
Photo: Frode Svane. Plaza. Bergen. Norway. Project: Bård Breivik. Sculpturor. water feature, runnel, playground,
WestendGate / Just Burgeff architekten + a3lab
Just Burgeff architekten + a3lab - Westend Gate (Marriott Tower) in Frankfurt -- "Tree Structure Canopy"
Una Vida Moderna
Las Torres de Satélite, Ciudad Satélite, Naucalpan de Juárez, Estado de México, México 1957 Arq. Luis Barragán con Mathias Goeritz y Jesús Reyes Ferreira - Las Torres de Satellite, Ciudad Satelite, Naucalpan, Edo.Mex, Mexico 1957
The World’s Most Beautiful Bridges | Webdesigner Depot - Part 2
RED BRIDGE(North Holland) -an unusual shaped red coloured bridge in Utrecht, the Netherlands. --its a small narrow draw bridge on the water channel between Anton Geesinkstraat & the Loevenhoutsedijk. -The bridge built in 2009 is replacement of an earlier bridge .- -A bridge had existed at this location as early as 1621.Because of its proximity to the Utrecht's red light district on houseboats, many feel that its red colour is symbolic of the activities in the area.
Moses Bridge / RO&AD Architecten
moses bridge by RO architecten - halsteren, netherlands
Empty Pavilion in Detroit Solicits a Latent Public
the Empty Pavilion, Detroit. Designed by McLain Clutter, University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Kyle Reynolds, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning, along with a team of students from the University of Michigan.