
318 Pins
The Oath of Feanor by (left to right: Amrod and Amras (they're hard to tell apart in this light), Fëanor, Curufin (always the first to obey his father), Maglor (not really conviced but caught up in the moment), Maedhros (taking charge of keeping his brothers in line while Atar is busy), Caranthir, Celegorm.)
NameBright - Domain Expired
"Maedhros searching for the sons of Dior" by Jenny Dolfen.
Mutual enemies by daLomacchi on DeviantArt
Maedhros,Maglor,Elrond and Elros.
The day will come. by MintKim on DeviantArt
The day will come. by MintKim Maedhros and Fingon
Prayer of Fingon by tuuliky on DeviantArt
Fingon, seeing no better hope, strung his bow and cried to Manwe "O King to whom all birds are dear, speed now this feathered shaft, and recall some pity for the Noldor in their need!".
VAIRË, A Tapestry of Sorrows - This is so awesome! I nearly cried when I noticed Maedhros and Fingon.
Fili and Kili by TolmanCotton on DeviantArt
Maedhros and Fingon by *daLomacchi on deviantART - Fingon is often portrayed in blue. I believe his heraldic device is mostly blue.