
38 Pins
Hund malen lassen - Auftragsarbeiten bei Aram und Abra
Tierportrait/Zeichnung Hund (Dalmatiner). Aquarell auf Zeichenpapier. Von Aram und Abra.
✎ Augen, Mund und Nase zeichnen lernen | DekoKing
Augen, Mund und Nase zeichnen lernen-dekoking-com
Concentrating on one part of your picture to get better at it/ make it stand out so that you don't have to do the rest just AS detailed.
Character Design Challenge! | Facebook
How to draw realistic expressive eyes; eyes reference ∕∕ Art by Christopher Hart* • Blog∕Website | (http:∕∕ • Online Store | (http:∕∕∕drawing-bookstore) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES™ (https:∕∕∕CharacterDesignReferences & https:∕∕∕characterdesigh)