Painting and crafting

16 Pins
Doodle Paint for Kids
Homemade DOODLE Paint Recipe. The consistency of the paint makes it really easy for kids to draw and make designs- SO FUN!
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How cute are these princess crowns and wands? Both can be made with pipe cleaners for awesome party favors.
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Original Igel und Pilz 3D Papier Wandkunst auf 8 x von goshandgolly
Spring Break DIY: Milk Art
All you need is milk, food coloring and dish soap. So cool! Art project
How to Make Toilet Paper Roll Race Cars - DIY & Crafts - Handimania
How to Make Toilet Paper Roll Race Cars - DIY & Crafts - Handimania --for the #kidsactivities , of course yeah the kids only .lol... ;D
Taste Safe (No Shaving Cream) Sensory Rainbow
give your kids taste safe options to make art! Great for toddlers who still like to put things in their mouths.