
16 Pins
Garderoben selbst gestalten: Vier Ideen für den Flur | Wohnidee
Hier kommen 4 tolle DIY-Ideen für den Flur: Bauen Sie sich eine einzigartige Garderobe aus Birkenstämmen und gestalten Sie ein Memoboard mit Tafellack.
If you have taken a door off, why not recycle it. This would be an easy build to add a small shelf at the bottom and an upper shelf at the top. Add a mirror and it would be adorable anywhere in your house.
What Once Was Old Vintage | New Braunfels TX
Hall Tree built for our house made from two old doors we found at an antique shop. The cutouts were from ugly vents that were in the original doors. We substituted chicken wire to hang pics on one side and chalkboard on the other door.
I made a small pallet shelf to fit in a small bathroom, just so there would be some extra storage. I was lucky to find a pallet with long and wide planks, and I used those for the back. Then I ripped down a piece of a pallet that had 3/4" wood on it, and made some cleats for some extra support on the shelves. Then screwed into the shelves from the back with 2.5" screws, as well as screwing into the top of the shelves into the cleats to make sure the shelves are not going anywhere.
DIY Command Center
Perfect way to organize all of your junk! Build this DIY Command Center with this how-to video and free printable plans from www.shanty-2-chic.com
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Unser neuster Streich :o) Eine schlichte Garderobe mit Ablagefläche für Geldbeutel, Briefe, Schlüssel, Deko etc. Platz zum Aufhängen Eurer Kleidung habt Ihr an 5 Metallhaken. Das Holz ist...