** Ukraine

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Let’s walk along the streets of ancient Chernihiv · Ukraine travel blog
St. Paraskeva Church (the beginning of the 13th century) in Chernihiv, Ukraine
Владислав Ерко
Творческая Мастерская: Владислав Ерко. Vladislav Erko
Kyivan Rus' princess. Ukrainian women of Kyivan Rus'. Ancient jewellry of Ukrainian women. Kyivan Rus / Принцеса Київської Русі. Прикраси і костюми українських жінок часів Київської Русі. Скарби, знайдені на території України, - основа візантійської колекції Ермітажу. http://metalloiskateli-info.ru/…/klady-blizhnego-za…/page/3/
18 Things You Shouldn’t Do Abroad
Ukrainian folk tales. Translated from the original collections of Ivan Rudchenko and Maria Lukiyanenko. Illustrated by J. Hnizdovsky. Published 1964 by Coward-McCann in New York .
Photographer Takes Stunning Surreal Photos With An Old $50 Film Camera
Oleg Oprisco is a brilliantly talented photographer from Lviv, Ukraine, who creates stunning surreal images of elegant women in fairy-tale or dream-like settings. There’s one significant difference, however, that sets him apart from other artists who create similar work – Oprisco shoots using old-school film photography.