
140 Pins
Our Friend the Atom: Disney’s 1956 Illustrated Propaganda for Nuclear Energy
Retro illustrations - #Cool #fc3arch Our Friend the Atom: @Disney's 1956 Illustrated Propaganda for Nuclear Energy | Brain Pickings
From kitchen slaves to industrial workers – the superwomen of Soviet art
From kitchen slaves to industrial workers – the superwomen of Soviet art | Women | The Guardian
Gorgeous Vintage Soviet Art and Propaganda Posters
20th-century Soviet and Russian propaganda, advertising, and art posters, created between 1917 and 1991
The Paper Revolution. Sowjetisches Grafikdesign der 1920er und 1930er Jahre
The Paper Revolution. Sowjetisches Grafikdesign der 1920er und 1930er Jahre / PAGE online
Propaganda Political Black Panther Power People Poster Kunstdruck Bb2520B • EUR 12,00
Propaganda Political Ussr Soviet Communism Sun Cloud World Peace Poster Bb2683B
Пионерский плакат в СССР
Пионерский плакат в СССР: visualhistory — ЖЖ
Soviet Visuals on Twitter
Soviet Visuals в Твиттере: «"Granny said sternly: don't go anywhere without God…
Купить плакат Как повяжешь галстук, береги его - он ведь с красным знаменем цвета одного! Сачков В.В в салон-магазине «Арт-Бульвар», Севастополь
The Russian Revolution
Soviet Communism Propaganda Posters