
575 Pins
FACTRONデザインでゆとりとときめきを! 1.000cm定規,チタン削り出し,
FACTRONデザインでゆとりとときめきを! XPERIAケース,アルミ削り出し,メタル削り出し,ジャケットジュラルミン削り出し
Tale Designstudio - mke200, mke400 - for Sennheiser
industrial design, product design, device, microphone, audio, video, workbytale - Image © Sennheiser
Design Studies
At Tactile, outside of client work, we continuously create concept studies to explore ideas ranging from interesting forms and user experiences to trends in manufacturing processes and CMF. www.tactileinc.com #TactileInc #TactileDesign #Tactile #DesignStudies #Design #IndustrialDesign #UX #CMF #Color #Trends #Electronics #CAD #Render #Keyshot #Fusion360 #Render #Texture #Details #Metal #Transparent #Light #Lighting #Robot #RoboticArm #Microtext #AI #Consumer #Medical #Warehouse #Manufacturing