
66 Pins
Something Clever
A little preemptive, but here’s a list of prompts I used for Inktober last year! If you use this list/any of these and you feel like it, feel free to tag me @cniska because I would love love love to see what you did!!! Flowers | Lanterns | Song...
30 day challenge
Pinner said..The creator of this chart is the artist Cate Edwards. As Anna Funder (author of 'All that i am) says. Finding your creativity is like approaching a cat in a room, you have to let the cat come to you. The main thing is that you have to be in the room.
Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe: Day -1 (or is that Day 0?) Drawing Challenge Begins Tomorrow
Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe: Day -1 (or is that Day 0?) Drawing Challenge Begins Tomorrow
TinkerSketch Daily Sketchbook Challenge | TinkerLab
If you want to jump-start your creativity and start your art journal practice, join us for the FREE TinkerSketch Sketchbook Challenge in February 2015 at
Draw with Me! November Challenge
Draw with Me! November Challenge – Home Again Creative
? - Королева Червей
90 Days of the Every Day Drawing Challenge on the iPad!
Link to a full year of challenges: