
30 Pins
Watering Can with Lights
Glowing Watering Can with Fairy Lights - How neat is this? It's SO EASY to make! Hanging watering can with lights that look like it is pouring water.
Pflanzkörbe, Blumentöpfe, -kästen & Untersetzer online kaufen | eBay
Vintage Pflanzkasten & RAHMEN "French Shabby" Minigarten Kräuterkiste Fairy…
Vertikaler Garten und Blumenbeet anlegen – DIY aus Europaletten
Vertikaler Garten und Blumenbeet anlegen - DIY aus Europaletten
88 DIY Deko Ideen für sommerliche Stimmung im Garten
90 Deko Ideen zum Selbermachen für sommerliche Stimmung im Garten
Bug hotel made from bricks and bamboo | GAP Gardens Blog
Arranging a few old bricks on top of each other makes a simple insect house within minutes. The voids in each layer can be filled with old stems, twigs and other prunings collected from the garden. Bug hotel made from bricks and bamboo - © Lee Avison/GAP Photos - use leftover granite?