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Double Exposure - Photoshop Action
Double Exposure - Photoshop Action #photoeffect Download:
Double Exposure Maker by simoXzaki
Double Exposure Maker #design Download:
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Doppelbelichtungen sind momentan sehr beliebt: Vielleicht erinnert sich der eine oder andere noch an das Filmplakat von The Revenant. In diesem Tutorial gehe ich ein wenig über die Standard-Technik hinaus und experimentiere noch ein bisschen. Diese drei Fotos verwendet ich in meinem Tutorial: old paper texture File:
Double Exposure by Ben Harman #photography #double #exposure #creative #inspiration #family #monotone
Double Color Exposure Effect Photoshop Tutorial
Video Tutorial: How To Create a Double Color Exposure Effect | Blog.SpoonGraphics by Chris Spooner
Top Self-Help Book | Best Motivational Book
"Real courage does not lie in squaring up to the outer world, but in confronting what you had previously refused to see in yourself. Only then will you see yourself as you really are and be profoundly shaken by it. Only then will you be able to clean up your act and make winning choices." Alain Forget
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This is a creative effect done with at least 2 photos. The opacity of the hands has clearly been decreased and it looks as if the hands are over the eyes, although the eyes could be separate from the original photo.
Color - Double Exposure Photoshop Photo Template
Color - Double Exposure Photoshop Photo Template #photography #psd Download:
How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop
Эффект двойной экспозиции при помощи PS. (How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop)