3D Art & Character

130 Pins
Japanese killer robot is crazily good
Japanese killer robot is crazily good | 3D | Creative Bloq
3D Qura, Ana Mendes
Sculp based on Hong SoonSang adorable character Qura~! You can see his work here: www.artstation.com/artist/soonsanghong54
Konzeption & Gestaltung
Katrin Schacke – Konzeption Gestaltung. (So I have this idea...pour...what, eopxy and colorant, or what?...over the ball, smash the ball, use the round drippy shell as a cover for a string of xmas lights...?)
T H E_B I N - Lorenza Liguori
Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
ArtStation - Explore
SculptJanuary 17 - Day 03: Woman Portrait, Julien Kaspar on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/znEJZ
Future Wanderer Female by furygalluzzi on DeviantArt
Future Wanderer Female by ~TroyGalluzzi on deviantART
INFOGRAPHIC: Exclusive Data on How to Sell 3D Models | Blog
INFOGRAPHIC: Exclusive Data on How to Sell 3D Models - Blog- CGTrader.com