Sacred Geometry

44 Pins
Experiments with the golden ratio, top view of dandelion seeds..
Fractal symmetry & spiral form, dandelion
120 images d’animaux rien que pour le plaisir des yeux!
Sacred geometry in nature, found in this amphibian tail.
geometry matters
“ 12 Piano notes made visible for the first time Shannon Novak, a New Zealand-born fine artist, commissioned us to image 12 piano notes as inspiration for a series of 12 musical canvases. We decided...
Platonische Körper, Kepler-Poinsot-Körper & Pythagoreische Tetraktys
Platonische Körper, Kepler-Poinsot-Körper & Pythagoreische Tetraktys
Sacred Geometry | The Mushroom [ ]
Awesome collection of vector graphics for those who like a good start with creating their own sacred geometry art!
Sacred Geometry, the golden ratio or mean and phi point ratio The same ratio Vitruvius saw in the human body – 1 to PHI (1.618) – exists in every part of nature, from swimming fish to swirling planets. This divine ratio, or divine proportion, has been called the building block of all life.
Bigwin138 | Link Login Resmi Terbaru
Natural Fractal Pattern in a cabbage! Amazing!