Grade 1 - Miscellaneous

Friends of Ten Freebie
FREE! "Friends of Ten" Activity & Poster! "Friends of Ten" are the number pairs that combine to total ten (9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4, 5+5). Being confidently familiar with these pairs will help your learners with fluency and calculations in math. | #FromThePond #KindergartenMath #MathCenters #FirstGradeMath #MathFun #TeacherFreebie #FreePrintable #TeacherTips
Jump into January low-prep freebie hop
FREE no-prep winter math subtraction activity, blog hop and a giveaway!!
Roll a letter phonemic awareness game {101 ways to teach the alphabet} - a simple game for helping kids learn the sounds letters make and recognize the first sounds of words #letters #alphabet #preschool #kindergarten #giftofcuriosity || Gift of Curiosity
Odd Todd & Even Steven
This is a super cute and hands-on lesson to teach even and odd numbers using Even Steven and Odd Todd.
Place Value Workmats
Free! Use these math mats to teach concepts of place value with two-digit numbers.