Make up

39 Pins
Anyone else loving the Huda Beauty Obsessions palettes?? I created this look using the electric one! ❤️
Anyone else loving the Huda Beauty Obsessions palettes?? I created this look using the electric one!
Auf StyleVamp schreiben Modebegeisterte über Mode, Schuhfans über Schuhe, Haarkönner über Frisuren.
Das perfekte Weihnachts- & Silvester-Make-Up!! *__*
Colorful Eyeliner
Colorful Eyeliner As a modern, smart and beautiful girl (a true Fashionista) you are obligated to experiment with colors until you find the right ones for you
Basic Trick For Eyeliner Application - Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Winnipeg, ON